Send Robertson to Venezuela!
I just heard the news story about Jesse Jackson's trip to Venezuela. He met with Hugo Chavez to try and alleviate the tension between Venezuela and the U.S. thanks to Pat Robertson's recent comments. Chavez is asking the U.S. to extradite Pat Robertson to Venezuela and Jackson agrees! While I like the fact that people are finally talking about how crazy Pat Robertson is in light of his recent comments, I find it a bit odd that people are so up in arms over this comment when it really pales in comparison to the completely asinine things he says every day. I think Chavez put it best however when he said that if the U.S. extradited Robertson "We could offer him [Robertson] free psychiatric treatment… but he could be a lost case". My dog Dusty agrees with Chavez and Jackson:
Send Pat Robertson to Venezuela... Arf!
Send Pat Robertson to Venezuela... Arf!