Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Die Uni und Der Rhein

I thought I’d update my blog with some pictures of the campus. It’s very pretty and all the leaves are starting to change. It’s still pretty quiet on campus right now since most students are still gone for the break. But I’m told it will be crazy when the semester starts -- especially in the mensa during lunchtime. Here’s a few pictures.

Today Esther and I went to the Rhein and es war am schönsten. She told me that early in the mornings there’s a really heavy fog on the river and it’s very eerie but pretty. Here’s Esther and I.

After that we got something to eat on one of squares by the Dome next to the town theater. You can see it behind Esther.

We then headed into the Altstadt where the streets are too narrow for cars and it’s all winding cobblestone streets. I think it’s very easy to get lost back there but there’s so many cool stores and pubs it wouldn’t be so bad. Here’s a few pictures I took of the Dome and the Altstadt. It was so dark last time I was there my pictures weren’t so good but now you can see the area much better.

Well tomorrow my german class begins. It’s sort of an intensive preparation course for the semester. I do have a cell phone now but it’s pretty expensive and I’m not sure whether someone from the states can call me on it. I know I can call the states but it’s really expensive. I was told my cell phone would work here but it doesn’t. Aber kein Problem. Es ist nicht so schlimm weil jetzt ich ein deutsche handy bekommen habe. Tschüss und liebe Grüsse!


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