Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Salzburg und Österreich

Sunday we arrived in Salzburg at around 5:00. It took us awhile to find our hotel but after wandering through another Weihachtsmarkt we found it next to the Dome. We were tired and cold so we had a nice dinner at the restaurant next to our hotel and turned in relatively early. We stayed at this really old hotel and the woman who ran it was so nice. When we checked out the next day she even gave us a bag of rolls and cheese to take with. She kept saying how happy she was to have us stay there. Anyway, Mary somehow talked Phil and I into going on the “Sound of Music” tour of Salzburg and a few neighboring villages. The tour was supposed to show you famous sites from the movie. It sounded like it was going to be really cheesy but it was amazing. We had our own personal tour guide and she quickly figured out that we were more interested in seeing the area than hearing about the film. Although she did continue to play the soundtrack throughout the trip. It was really great and our tour guide was so nice. I don’t think there’s any other way to see so much in so little time for such a good price. Here’s a few pictures I took from the tour van as we drove through town.

I guess this is the Von Trapp house from the movie in the background.

We then drove to this castle just outside of Salzburg. This is where they put the famous gazebo from the movie. There where also some glass blowers at a shop there. Here’s a few more pictures.

We then headed up into the mountains. It was unbelievably beautiful.

We even stopped for some apple strudel. This was our view at the cafe.

Here’s a few more pics along the way. We passed through the towns St. Gilgen and Bad Ischl.

Our last stop on this tour was this really pretty church where some couple got married in the movie... whatever.

More from the Weihnachtsmarkt.

Our last stop was the castle on the cliff in the center of town. Fortunately there was a cable car thing to take us to the top. The view was incredible. There was a light fog on the hills and the sun was beginning to set. It was almost unreal.

Meiner meinung nach, man muss, einmal im Laufe seines Lebens, Salzburg und Österreich besuchen. Am schönsten!



Blogger Unknown said...

great photos--my only regret is that there's no video footage of you singing some of the Sound of Music songs . . .
oh, and I'm sort of enjoying the German--good practice for me

8:36 AM  
Blogger Zarathustra said...

not that I have any videos of me singning, but just out of curiosity, how do you post videos? By the way, what's up with Kansas... I just heard we lost to Nevada. It looks like sportswise I picked a good year to be gone.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hey--don't count us out yet! but, yes, it does seem like an off year so far . . . but it was a good game, and Nevada is ranked this year, so it's a decent loss, I'd say

the video thing is a bit of a trick--maybe it's something to go into in an email . . .

oh, I've been wondering: are you, like, in school over there? or just sight-seeing? how's the school part going?

3:53 PM  

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